Friday, May 30, 2014

Reading Plus


Instructor: Jamie Nielsen                                                     

Instructor email:

WHAT: (Course Goals)  
  1. To increase reading comprehension, reading speed and vocabulary to current grade level or beyond
WHY: (Course Purpose) 
  1. To increase confidence and success in all subjects and disciplines through better reading comprehension, speed and vocabulary.
HOW: (Course Program)  
Progress through an On-line reading program geared to increase reading comprehension, speed and vocabulary.
  • Program used: Reading Plus (
  • Pencils and pens
  • Headphones

Attendance and participation are the key ingredients in successfully completing any Lab-based course.  This course is compressed to 9 weeks, and thus good attendance and participation is crucial. Grades will be factored using the following guidelines:
Weekly iBalance completion..……………………………..………………..…10%
Weekly SeeReader completion.……………………...………………………..40%
Weekly ReadAround completion…… ……...………………..……..………..20%
Letter grades:
A – 90% to 100%,  B – 80% to 89%,  C – 70% to 79%,  D – 60% to 69%,  F – 59% and below

All weekly assignments will be due by Sunday at midnight each week. This is an on-line program, and may be accessed from home to complete any missing assignments for the week. You will be graded each Monday for the previous week.

  • You are responsible for making up missed assignments returning from your EXCUSED absence. You will have extra days before grading to make up the work equal to the number of excused days missed. (For example: If you have 1 excused absence, you will have 1 extra day to complete the work. 3 days of excused absences will receive 3 extra days to complete the work.)
  • If you have UNEXCUSED absences, you will not receive any extra days before grading.
Tardiness is careless and harmful to the class and your fellow students. Please make a concerted effort to show up to class on time and attend every day. Missing class can cause you to fall behind and can make understanding class material more difficult. Multiple absences (excused or unexcused) may endanger your ability to pass this class.
  • An unexcused tardy will result reduced participation points for the day.
Problems with behavior and discipline are unacceptable. Attitudes, actions, and materials that are disturbing to the class will be dealt with and have repercussions. Items that fall into this category include cell phones and music players (if I see them in class I will take them), and disrespect (the one thing I ask is for you to respect me and my classroom, because I will do my best to respect you as a person and a student). Please let me know if you have any special circumstances that may affect your ability to be successful in class.

Any and all behavioral problems in class will result in the following actions per school rules:
            1) verbal warning relating to incident.
            2) Call home to parents concerning incident.
            3) Referral to administration.

There are many ways to get in contact with me. I am always in my classroom before and after school. I can also be reached through email or by appointment. I am always available to students during class as well. I will check my email on a daily basis and respond as promptly as possible. Please see the top of sheet for my email address. I appreciate parent and student contact outside of the classroom, and I will be willing to answer any questions you may have.

  • Be an active participant in class
  • Be respectful of self, students, and staff
  • Be respectful of equipment and the building
  • Be responsible for personal behavior